Come serve with us as we reach out to the poor, orphans, youth, widows, rural churches, untrained pastors, and those who have no access to the gospel. We love hosting short term visiting teams, YWAM outreaches, youth groups, church teams and individuals.

Come join us in our pool, in the community healing the sick and in the villages bringing revival!
Centres & Ministries
We have 4 centres all part of the YWAM Blantyre wider base. 1 city base and 3 rural centres. The Blantyre City Base is a western setup base with hot showers, internet, a swimming pool and beautiful gardens. The rural centres are a real African experience Mankhamba center high in the mountains on mats on the dorm floor, Ntaja centre in a muslim tribe in bunks with open air showers or in tents at the orphan support center in Phalombe. Joining our roughly 30 staff, there are a wide variety of ministries to be involved in here each week including. Kids ministry, Bible Studies, Healing rooms, Jesus film, Door to door, Church ministry, Youth discipleship, Computer training, Women’s ministry, Bible distribution, Intercession, House of Prayer, Market evangelism, Hospital ministry, Village outreach, Schools ministry, HIV support, Farming God’s way training and Pastors training seminars.
Live in the heart of rural Africa
It is such a rewarding outreach opportunity to stay for a few days to weeks at one of these village outreach centres or our partner orphanages. We are developing these village outreach centres to be able to host teams for longer periods in the villages, where there is so much need for love and practical service. The children at the orphanages love having visitors, to play, learn and enjoy life with. Many teams like to take on a practical project, like painting a classroom or dormitory, building sports equipment or other renovations. We try in all of our work to bring together the practical and the spiritual in serving the needs of the children. This opens hearts to being able to share the love of Jesus and the gospel effectively.
Passions connecting
Our passions as a base are: prayer, serving the poor, living passionately from our hearts and demonstrating the kingdom in love and power as we evangelise. Every team that has come to visit has also seen the power of God move through them and healing has been common especially in the rural areas where hospitals are few, and in the weekly healing rooms and door to door evangelism. The majority of our ministries have an evangelism flavour or focus so for DTS outreaches it is easy to complete the outreach requirements. For those with a desire to teach, rural pastors are willing to gather in their hundreds to be taught. For those who love high impact gatherings, our evangelism truck with PA stage and projectors can gather thousands sometimes. For those with a heart for kids, widows and orphans our practical help training and support gatherings will help you come alive.
Off road village adventures
For the adventure seekers we load up our 4x4s and launch outreaches into some of the most inaccessible villages, to train pastors, teach in the churches, feed orphans and evangelise, seeing God each trip break in with amazing healings and floods of salvation. It is an amazing experience for each group as they sleep in tents among the thatched huts, cook over open fires and learn from the warm, simple African way of life. We have all the tents and equipment needed for a group of 15 in a village, larger groups may need to bring extra foam mats. The main cost for these trips is for the fuel to drive our trucks down the rutted and muddy roads. The villagers make the hard journey worth it, as they welcome us exuberantly with singing and dancing.
Our hosting commitment
We have a commitment to provide an excellent outreach experience. Our staff enjoy hosting, and whenever you minister we organise the right number for your team size to join you as translators into Chichewa or Chiyao. You will also have one or two staff join your team full time to help you connect with the culture, know your options and way around so that your stay is well planned and fruitful. We believe that your team will have the best time if you are fruitful and so we aim to connect you with the churches and ministries here that will best fit your passions and callings while still giving a wide exposure to different ministry styles so that new gifts and callings can be discovered. Teams that come with a specific focus are welcome and we will facilitate you to do this full time. Our only unmovable request is that each team join us each morning to seek God and pray for revival in Malawi, YWAM and the nations.
We can host about 25 people in Blantyre, 10 in Mankhamba, 10 in Phalombe and 20 in Ntaja. The costs differ from the city base to the rural centres as the city base has the pool, internet, hot water, electric lights and gas cookers etc. The rural centres are wood fires, long drop toilets, open air bucket showers, borehole water supply and solar lights. Mosquito nets are available at all sites, but it is helpful if you bring 2 sheets and a pillow case. The prices of what we will need you to donate to us to host you are as follows.
Costs for 1 person for 1 night
YWAM Blantyre City Base (including use of internet on base computers)
Zone 1 (Africa excluding SA): $5
Zone 2 (Latin America, Asia, Middle East and South Africa): $7
Zone 3 (North America, Canada, Europe and the Pacific): $12
Food all Zones $3
Rural Centers (YWAM Mankhamba, YWAM Ntaja, YWAM Phalombe)
Zone 1 (Africa excluding SA): $1
Zone 2 (Latin America, Asia, Middle East and South Africa): $3
Zone 3 (North America, Canada, Europe and the Pacific): $5
Food all Zones $2
These prices are negotiable if your team is struggling in your journey of faith and finances. We really want to host your team so will adjust costs so that we can make it possible for you to come here and be with us. It is obviously a need for us to have enough to cover our costs and we would ask you to aim for these prices but having you and your team here is more important to us than the money! The harvest is so plentiful but the laborers are few. Come and bring in the harvest with us! Come!
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