We would love your support

Nearly everything we do requires finances and we have many dreams and visions yet to be fulfilled. We’d love you to partner with us through your financial support. Here are some of the things you could give to:


  • Buying sewing machines to support staff and women in the community through our women’s ministry.
  • Funding the rebuilding of houses for those affected by cyclones and other life-changing events.
  • Purchasing materials and labour the next phase of the community center development.
  • Installing a new borehole and hand pump to supply a disadvantages community with water.
  • Fund the development of mobile phone apps to be used in schools,.
  • Buying bibles to be distributed to churches through our Bible Seminars and conferences.
  • Resources for our kids ministry, including craft material, football shirts and so on.
  • Providing diesel for our evangelism team as they take the truck to the villages to show the Jesus Film.
  • Purchasing new IT equipment and other resources for Thantawe, our government partnership school.
  • Contributing towards start-up costs for many other new initiatives.


  • Contributing towards the course fees of a student on DTS or one of our second-level school.
  • Making contributions to individual staff members for their ongoing or one-off needs.
  • Subsidising the cost of a staff retreat.
  • Helping a family in the village pay for a child school-fees.



If you are considering giving, or have done so already, THANK YOU! It means so much to us to have your support. We will always endevour to use that money effectively and carefully. We would like you to feel that you are not giving to us but through us; we trust the end result is peoples lives being changed through meeting Jesus and being provided with skills and resources to effect the people and communities around them.

Ways you can give

There are many different ways you can give, including through bank transfer, PayPal, AirTel money, and other mobile apps. We have some options to enable tax-efficient giving from outside Malawi. Please contact us to discover the most efficient way.