‘Back to School’

Unlock a Child’s Future


The AIDS Pandemic has left millions of children orphaned in sub-Saharan Africa, and hundreds of thousands of those orphaned children live in Malawi. We have learned that each of those hundreds of thousands have names and faces. We cannot care for all of them, but we can care for the ones the Father gives us. What fatherless children need is spiritual fathers and mothers; we have the Father’s heart in us to love and care for these children. This is what the Bible meant when it said “God puts the fatherless together in families.” Our call is to support orphanages and community orphan care programs.

God hcharlie_loving_orphansas also stirred up our hearts to inspire village churches to care for the orphans in their communities. It is a joy to see the Kingdom released as the church takes responsibility in reaching out with love to the vulnerable, and the children growing as they realize that they have hope, they have a future and they are loved. At the moment we have orphan support groups running in two villages and are moving towards another two locations as well as a teaching program to inspire churches everywhere to start a support group in their village.

Our great joy is to support Malawians who, from the overflow of Christ’s love in them, have taken in orphans, but are needing help to care for them.

Back to School sponsorship

We are looking for financial supporters who want to partner with us to enable orphaned children, who are able to live with extended family, to return to school.

Our heart at YWAM Blantyre is for orphaned children to remain within the family home with Aunts, Uncles or Grandparents, as we believe this is the best place for children to grow up safely; with a strong sense of identity and community. However we understand that another mouth to feed, additonal school fees to pay and clothing another growing child can often be more than already stretched families can afford. Therefore we would like to provide support for orphans, whose families are prepared to take them in, so that they are able to go ‘Back to School’ without being an added financial burden.

We will also provide support groups where orphans can have their needs assessed, receive additional support with homework and learn about their Heavenly Father who will always care for them.

YWAM Blantyre currently works in five village locations with communities that have orphans they are willing to take into their family homes.By being part of our ‘Back to School’ Orphan support scheme you will support one of these five communities as they seek to keep orphans within their family. You will be able to connect with a group of children and receive updates from them as they journey back to school and receive support in homework clubs etc.

We are looking for faithful givers who are willing to support these communities for a minimum of two years with $30 / £22 a month. We want to provide stable support for children who have experienced much instability and trauma in their few years. Your commitment to give and support finacially for a sustained period will allow us to do that.

Your support will allow orphans in Malawi to have hope for the future and the support to dream big! But most importantly it will be an expression of love, giving them the opportunity to learn more about the love of their Heavenly Father!  Contact us to find out more